Sad news yesterday. Wilma decided to leave my cover band Bootleg because she didn't agree on the direction the band was going. Too bad, because she really has a great voice. We will keep on going with only four of us, but are all a little bit shocked by the sudden decision. Good luck with whatever you'll be doing, Wilma!
After I created a website for my rockband Against All Odds, I couldn't stay behind with a website for my coverband Bootleg. I copied the same backend, but tweaked the color scheme a bit and translated all the public viewable text to dutch, since we only want to focus on audience from the Netherlands.
Check out the result on!
Roughly three weeks after Evelien joined Against All Odds, we've recorded some new songs. The two songs can be played from the band website.
EDIT 3/11: I've created a new, more balanced mix with a better reverb effect on the vocals and a less schrill sounding solo. Go check it out!
Since we've bought a house and moved into it last Saturday, I've created a nice new game corner. (Old situation)

Thats a Samsung LE32B550 TV, with some Logitech X550 surround speakers and a Creative DDTS-100 decoder. An XBox 360, Nintendo Super NES and Nintendo GameCube! All I need now is a big new couch to sit in, while gaming!
I finally decided to finish the website for Against All Odds. It still needs a bit of work like a new banner in the top, but I thought it good enough to go online. Let me know what you think about how it looks and feels.
EDIT: We also have a new vocalist since last week: Evelien Hoffmann. We did a photoshoot after that and here is one of them! I also changed the banner in the top on our website. Check it out!