MP3 Renamer

MP3 renamer is no longer under active development
MP3 Renamer The MP3 renamers is a utility you can use to clean up the filenames of music- and other media files. This is done by setting some rules and press the Convert button, as you can see on the screenshot.

Known bugs

  • Filenames are not sorted right, sometimes
  • Dramatic error handling


MP3 renamer 1.1.3 is available for download here:

The source for 1.1.3 is downloadable here:

The latest code can also be obtained through subversion:

Version history


  • FIX: filename cleaning code rewritten


  • NEW: Window is now resizable
  • NEW: Option to remove superfluous spaces
  • NEW: NSIS installer
  • NEW: MP3 renamer in the context menu in windows explorerr